Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fun morning :-)

One of the great joys of losing weight that makes the process so worth it is when your size changes.  I noticed that this morning when I tried to wear one of my favorite shirts,  only to discover that it hung on me so bad that even I had to admit it looked awful!
That got me wondering, so I began pulling out shirts to try on. To my delight, as well as a small amount of sadness at losing old favorites, I have so many that are too big now that I started a "donate" bag. A part of me wants to keep these shirts, you know, just in case?
However, been there, done that. It's way to easy to gain weight and not even notice when you have a larger size laying around that you can slip into when your clothes start feeling just a little too snug! So out they go, Tony has a bag of clothes he wants to get rid of, I still have a bunch of Josh's big clothes here ( ok, I've been wearing them!!) and I will easily have a bag full..time for a call to the Big Sisters...or is it Little Sisters? I can never remember but luckily I save their card. I like calling them because they pick up the clothes and they go to FREE clothing banks ( I know this cause I saw some of Josh.s that I donated at one that I was going to) Yes, I'm sure there are folks that take advantage of that, but I know there are plenty of other folks that really need free clothes.

Of course the flip side of this is that I can now wear old favorites that I kept hoping to fit back into *someday* and there are a few more that I will be able to wear if I lose 5-10 more pounds and I pulled out the next size down in jeans too. Not to wear yet since I just went down a size in them, but as motivation :-D.

 Oh and in other news..I am still smoke free!  Struggling daily with this, being sick the past week helped a lot and even made me glad I wasn't smoking because my cough would have been so much worse and I probably would have ended up with bronchitis again. I've been using Altoids and all the flavors of Extra gum instead of smoking. Let's face it, a stick of Strawberry Shortcake chewing gum is much more enjoyable than a nasty cigarette!   

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rewarding yourself..

Many people use a reward system to help them stay on track with their weight loss goals. This can be something simple for each 5-10 lbs lost or you can wait until you have lost a major amount, say 50 lbs.

I haven't tried it yet but it seems like a good idea. After all,  many of us used the reward system for our children, either for chores, or school work, with great success, didn't we?

So I'm thinking that I may give it a go to help me stay off of cigarettes and help me stay on my diet.  Every time I want to buy a pack, I'm going to start putting the cigarette money away instead. The idea being that when I reach a weight loss goal of 25 lbs I am going to use the money I saved on cigarettes to buy myself something.....probably something related to photography or weight loss.

I realize this may only work until the nicotine cravings have finally gone away but it should see me through the worst part of those because I'll be looking forward to whatever new gadget I plan on buying, and should also help me stick to the diet for the same reason!

At $9 a pack, 3 or 4 times a week, this should add up pretty well in the amount of time it would take to lose 25 lbs...which at 2 lbs a week would be 13 weeks, give or take. If I do the math at $27 a week x 13 weeks I get $351...WOW can get a lot of things for that..or one really big thing!

Getting excited thinking about what I will buy already..LOL. Maybe there IS something to this reward system after all!

What would you reward yourself with when you meet a goal and what would your goal be to earn that reward? Also, do you think the anticipation of the reward would help you stay on track?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

hanging in there!

Ok, so didn't do that great last week, managed to get below 250 for about a day and then gained back some ozs to put me back above the 250 line.

But you know what?

It's OK!

It doesn't mean that I failed and should give up, it means I keep going cause I still have my mini goal of weighing 220 lbs by May 1. 30 lbs in 15 weeks should be doable.

Anyone that's following along (waves at Robin!) and struggling (or breezing along) towards your own goals...I know we can do this! As a dear friend says, "Even an elephant can be eaten one bite at a time" may not be the exact words but it's something along those lines (thanks Vicki!) fact that fits here exactly..LOL

I know we aren't as big as elephants, but the concept is the same...our fat can be eaten away a little at a time...oz by oz, lb by lb, sweat drop by sweat drop :-D if we just keep at it.

And won't it be great to be able to do things we can't do now? Wear clothes we can't wear now? I for one am looking forward to being healthier, being able to tie my shoes, buy my clothes in the normal section and wear stuff that fits right, and so many other things.

What are YOU looking forward to doing when you have lost your weight?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

short 'n sweet...

This morning the scale tells me that I only need to lose .6 more lbs and I will be out of the 250's!
Doing a teeny happy dance in anticipation of that!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Healing the inner self..

While watching The Biggest Loser tonight, seeing some of the contestants talking about WHY they had gained all the weight and kept gaining it even though they knew it was killing them, I started thinking about my own "whys". I really believe that is the first step to truly overcoming this weight issue.

I have changed so much in recent years, well not recent, it has been an ongoing process over the last 8-9 years and I don't expect all my problems to disappear overnight simply by laying them out here for the world to see,or at least the few folks who follow this blog, but putting them down will at least, I don't know, cleanse my inner self maybe, and help me begin the healing process. At least I hope that's what will happen!

I was always an outgoing person, with lots of friends, I liked to dress nice and took care of myself and my appearance.. For too long now I have hidden away in my house, shying away from social contact. I also haven't given 2 figs about the way I look. I have used my weight as a wall  to hide behind and to keep folks away. When you are obese you tend to become invisible and that is what I wanted to be. Invisible.

Three failed marriages pretty much destroyed the old me, including my self confidence, my beliefs, made me afraid of letting anyone close enough to hurt me again, and taught me that I couldn't trust anybody but myself,and not even myself half the time.

So I hid, I ate, I let myself go and except for several brief (failed...mostly due to my own self doubts btw) attempts to rejoin the world, told myself that this was how I wanted to be. Alone with my kids and safe.

But you know what? I was lying to myself. Sure safe is a wonderful feeling and I do love being with my kids. But this is NOT the life I envisioned for myself or my family. It is not  healthy for any of us. It is time for me to put the past where it belongs, behind me. To stop hiding behind a shield  of flab and begin living, before it's too late. To pursue certain goals that I have had my whole life.

I need to begin seeing myself as a person of worth if I want to change the way my life is heading,  to find ME again. In the long run this will not only benefit my emotional and physical health, but I know it will also benefit the lives of my kids and my grandson.

Will it be easy to rid myself of all the baggage I've been carrying around for years? Nope. But it sure will be worth it and I am eagerly looking forward to meeting the woman I know I can be!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weigh in day :-)

Not too bad considering the week I had.
Managed to lose 4.8 lbs and I wasn't even really trying to eat healthy or exercising or anything.
Now watch, this week I will do everything right and gain weight...LOL
Of course, there ARE 2 birthdays this week, but at least only 1 cake, since I don't make one for myself and will just have a piece of my grandson's. I know there will be plenty left because our birthdays are only 4 days apart.
So goal for this week...keeping it real and saying ...a loss of 3 lbs...although if I happen to lose more I won't complain!
Three lbs will get me out of the 250's though and I haven't been in the 240's for at least 12 years!!
Besides, slow weight loss is better than no weight loss!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

nice surprise :-)

Well, I thought I was going to be lucky if I just maintained my weight this week, but decided to see how bad it was by weighing myself this morning and to my surprise and delight I've lost 5 lbs!

I guess even though I have been eating kind of junky the past week I haven't been eating a LOT, so it has all evened out.

Official weigh-in isn't until Monday though, when I will change my photo also.

It would be so awesome if my weight is in the 240's by then.  Going to work at it for the next 2 days and see if I can make that happen!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

trying, but...

Despite the best of intentions life has been putting me through the wringer this week and as a result, my eating hasn't been as healthy as I had planned. I tend to turn to comfort foods when I am overly stressed and the past 3 days has been no exception, although I have been attempting to keep it to a minimum. 
Also haven't been able to work out this week. Mainly because it has been one of those "have to wait for...." weeks.... daughter, UPS, oil delivery tomorrow....haven't really  wanted to get into workout duds and get started just to have the doorbell ring.
I did get quite a bit of walking in today though, which is a good thing.
Running late this morning I didn't even notice my grandson didn't have his back pack until he ran back across the playground as they were heading in to tell me that he forgot it and begged me to bring it because "everything I need is in there Nana!!"
So what's a Nana to do....walked home, grabbed it, walked to the school and then back again. So a total of 40 mins brisk walking...brisk cause it was COLD! Then I had to go to the bank and store, so another 25 mins there...add a few trips up and down the cellar stairs for laundry too. So at least I got some extra activity in today!
Tomorrow I don't have to go anywhere and one of the major sources of stress has finally been resolved so I definitely plan on being very good in the food department and with any luck the oil man will come early enough that I can grab a workout too.
Hoping I see a small change in the numbers on the scale on Monday, still a chance if I can manage to  get my butt in gear!

Monday, January 3, 2011

A new year, a new start

Don't many of us make losing weight a goal each new year? It is a great goal, but what's sad is how many people start off with such good intentions and last...what..maybe a month? Sometimes less, sometimes more, but I wonder how many actually continue on until they reach their goal weight?

I am one of the qung ho quitters..LOL...wait, let's change that to I USED to be one. I recently got quite a bit of not so great news from the Dr so I HAVE to do this. Not just because I want to wear smaller clothes,  or look nicer...but so I can stay alive!

For my boys, who will need me for a long long time, for my daughter who also needs me still and for my grandson, who is 7 and who I want to see grow up. And for myself because I have so much I still want to accomplish in this madness called life.

I did make a start in November, fell off a bit during the holidays, but did manage to keep off 5 lbs, so I am now down to 256.2..I still have a whole person to lose, but hey it's a beginning! I've begun to get accustomed to measuring food and counting calories so it's pretty routine now. It's also easier to choose healthier things to eat and I even enjoy working out 6 days a week.

I guess bad news from the Dr was actually a good thing to get...I mean it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

But it was a huge wake-up call. A call that I intend to answer.........