Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fun morning :-)

One of the great joys of losing weight that makes the process so worth it is when your size changes.  I noticed that this morning when I tried to wear one of my favorite shirts,  only to discover that it hung on me so bad that even I had to admit it looked awful!
That got me wondering, so I began pulling out shirts to try on. To my delight, as well as a small amount of sadness at losing old favorites, I have so many that are too big now that I started a "donate" bag. A part of me wants to keep these shirts, you know, just in case?
However, been there, done that. It's way to easy to gain weight and not even notice when you have a larger size laying around that you can slip into when your clothes start feeling just a little too snug! So out they go, Tony has a bag of clothes he wants to get rid of, I still have a bunch of Josh's big clothes here ( ok, I've been wearing them!!) and I will easily have a bag full..time for a call to the Big Sisters...or is it Little Sisters? I can never remember but luckily I save their card. I like calling them because they pick up the clothes and they go to FREE clothing banks ( I know this cause I saw some of Josh.s that I donated at one that I was going to) Yes, I'm sure there are folks that take advantage of that, but I know there are plenty of other folks that really need free clothes.

Of course the flip side of this is that I can now wear old favorites that I kept hoping to fit back into *someday* and there are a few more that I will be able to wear if I lose 5-10 more pounds and I pulled out the next size down in jeans too. Not to wear yet since I just went down a size in them, but as motivation :-D.

 Oh and in other news..I am still smoke free!  Struggling daily with this, being sick the past week helped a lot and even made me glad I wasn't smoking because my cough would have been so much worse and I probably would have ended up with bronchitis again. I've been using Altoids and all the flavors of Extra gum instead of smoking. Let's face it, a stick of Strawberry Shortcake chewing gum is much more enjoyable than a nasty cigarette!   

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