Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Quit! Smoking that is

Old post, but new effort to kick this habit started this week, 7/18/12
Today I quit smoking as part of my get fit plan. I decided that I can't be healthy if I continue to suck soot into my lungs on a daily basis. So as someone on Twitter says, I am now smober! Speaking of that, the same person advocates for quitting and helps encourage folks to quit by directing them to this website:
BESOCHEMPS which explains the behavioral, social chemical, emotional and psychological reasons we smoke and gives a few suggestions to help you deal with them. I also discovered that 1200 people die EVERY DAY from smoking related diseases. I don't want to be one of you? The following picture shows exactly what I was inhaling every day, clicking on it will make it larger so you can see the poisons better.

I know this will not be easy, I have quit many times in the past, the last time for 3 years and still I started smoking again. This time, I plan on making it a lifetime commitment. I am ready, ready to devote more of my time and energy to taking care of ME. In the past I know what I have done to be successful at quitting, however most times it resulted in the gaining of many pounds, which is not an option this time around. So I was looking for alternate methods when I came across this site 20 QUICK TIPS TO HELP YOU QUIT SMOKING I like several of these and will use them especially the exercising one! That link has plenty of info so browse the links they have posted and this one will help you MANAGE THE NICOTINE WITHDRAWAL you will go through. Also, on the right side of my page you will see a quit smoking counter, if you want one of your own just click that link. Following that link will also show you the benefits of quitting and when they occur. For example, after 8 hours, nicotine and carbon monoxide levels are reduced by half and oxygen levels return to normal. Make sure to pop on over there to read more!

A couple of other things I have found helpful are frequent brushing of teeth, and keeping my hands busy. In my case that is easy, I do so many art related things. Many of you who might be reading this may be quilters, that is an excellent way to keep your mind off smoking! So is knitting , crocheting and other handwork. If you don't do any type of craft or needlework, maybe now is the time to begin something, maybe something you have always wanted to try. After all, you are being good to yourself, so you deserve a special treat too!

A few more ideas to help, with both the dieting and quitting the smoking habit:
  • Make a list of at least 10 things you would like to do when you are thinner and smoke free. One of the things on my list is to be able to ride my bike everywhere again. I used to love jumping on it and taking off for hours, bringing my camera, water and lunch with me. Another is to play with my grandson, chase him, play baseball or soccer with him, or simply get down on the floor and play his castle battle game. What would you put on your list?
  • Either buy a new outfit, or dig out an outfit that you haven't worn in years but really love and hang it in plain sight as motivation. You have seen this if you watch Biggest Loser, they all have goal outfits. Mine is a cute little sun dress that I bought about 8 years ago and never quite fit in. Ok, so I might be too old to wear it anyplace, but I can wear it at home and feel great in it! What would your goal outfit be?
  • Bank your cigarette money. I have a piggy bank that is wearing a red hat and says shopping on the side. I figure I burned at least $24 a week, $96 a month, $1152 a year! Why not put the money I would have burned into Stella (pig's and use it to reward myself occasionally instead. I have always wanted a fancy digital camera that isn't an instant type. So Stella will start holding my camera fund, the way time is flying by I will have the money in no time! What would you buy with your savings?
  • Sometimes people that are overweight are not big fans of themselves. They think, if I was only thinner I would be happier, prettier, more popular, more confident...etc. So starting today I want you to try and love yourself the way you are. I have a problem with this myself, but I am going to tell myself every day from now on that I am a wonderful, caring, talented person with a lot to offer, no matter how much I weigh! I am going to do something for myself today instead of waiting until I am thinner. I have been watching my hair get grayer and grayer every day and have been thinking to myself "What does it matter, I am so fat and look awful anyways." Well, it DOES matter, it effects my self image and today I am dying my hair to it's natural color, and instead of wearing the same old shirts all the time I will begin wearing the nice clothes I have in the closet that I never wear because again, "why bother, I am not going anywhere" maybe not, but I can still look nice,,,for me,,right? So I challenge all of you to do something nice for yourself today, no matter how small that something might be, and remember you are a wonderful, beautiful person!

That's it for today, not sure how many folks are even reading these, but to any that are, I hope it is helping you in some way. Comments are always welcome, feel free to post your own goals, answer questions I have posted, request info on things, your own tips on dieting or quitting smoking, whatever you feel like writing.

Today's calorie count for you...the handwork I mentioned? Sewing, knitting etc..burns 113 calories an hour.

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