Thursday, August 13, 2009

Let's get moving!

I must begin by saying that I am not an expert, all views, etc here are my own and exercises and sites posted are what I am doing or using. Having said that....

Today I am going to talk a little about the dreaded *E* word. Exercise. Yes, I know, I don't like it much myself. It is so hard to move normally, never mind jumping around trying to work out. However; I can assure you that no matter what condition you're in, you CAN do some form of exercise. I spent some time searching and have come up with a couple of sites for you to check out and also will share what I have been doing ...well, what I started doing yesterday..with you.

IMPORTANT: Before you begin any type of exercise program, please be sure to check with your Dr. first! What I am writing here are only suggestions and things that I do. None of it may be right for YOU. If you are reading this you probably want to lose weight and I encourage that, I just want you do it the correct way so as not to jeopardize your health.

Now on to the workout! A couple of days ago, I decided to do my Walk A Mile video"It only takes 15 minutes, how hard can it possibly be?" I thought. Famous last words, within what seemed like seconds I was out of breath, my legs felt like lead and I was barely able to lift them. A 20 minute walk..(read casual stroll I can handle. Fast paced marching in place with leg kicks and knee lifts thrown in, not yet.

So once again, I turned to the Internet for help. Here is a good site for EXERCISES TO DO ANYWHERE that aren't too difficult, yet you can feel them. I have begun incorporating numbers 1,2,4, and 7 into my daily routine. I would do number 3 if I had a dog. The second one, toe raises, I do while brushing teeth, doing dishes, anytime I happen to be standing still at some task for several minutes.

I also found EXERCISES FOR THE ELDERLY Don't let the name mislead you! I clearly remember doing many of these during my normal workouts when I was in my 20's for toning, and because I am so out of shape have begun doing them again while sitting during tv time, as well as
dumbbell workouts for arms and shoulders
I added this one to the previous weight workout too dumbbell bent over row
The rows can be done standing or even sitting. The ones for arms and shoulders I do sitting. About the weights, I am using 2 lb dumbbells. You can use bottles of water, cans of vegetables, even 2 books that are the same size if you don't have weights, but ONLY after checking with your Dr please!

Some people might say, you are sitting down, what good will this do? Well, normally when I am watching tv I sit there like a bump on a log, and am usually eating something. True, watching tv while sitting quietly for an hour burns 76 calories, but adding in 30 mins of light weight work adds an additional 113 calories burned. I haven't been able to find the amount burned for the other stretches, and exercises, but the way I look at it, ANY activity is better for you than plain sitting. Next week, I plan on adding WALL PUSHUPS to what I am doing already, they are much easier than regular ones! Eventually, as I lose weight and the small steps I am taking now begin to make a difference I can add things or do regular aerobics, but for now I am happy with my workout plan, and hopefully some of you will find inspiration from myself, or one of the sites I have posted here to begin your own workouts.

More on the wall pushups, here is a demo of how to do them, and this site has several VARIATIONS and more detailed instructions.

So that is the post for today on exercising. I hope this has been helpful to some of you. Please check back daily as you never know what you might find here. Maybe recipes, maybe pampering tips. If there is something you would like me to post about, please leave a comment! I will gladly search the Internet and share what I find or what I personally know about your request.

Today's final thought...remember that casual stroll I mentioned at the start of this post? Well taking one for 20 minutes burns 88 calories.

1 comment:

  1. wall pushups- I usually do them against the counter while waiting for something to cook- sets of 20.
    toe raises are good but you need to stretch the foot in the down position also- "m having problems with my achellis (sp??) tendon
    For really good sretching of legs especially the ham strings I use a yoga strap.....
    keep up the good work I wish you luck- I could stand to lose another 45 pounds- but the last 20 came off due to stress- I don't reccommend that way.once your weight is down - your blood pressure -sugars will usually come down too. I'd get the thyroid checked and make sure you thyroglobulins are correct- not just the ths levels.....
